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Nomination Committee

Nomination Committee

Nomination Committee The Board of Directors of Yankuang Energy Group Company Limited has established the Nomination Committee that is composed of three Directors, namely Peng Suping, Li Wei and Woo Kar Tung, Raymond. Mr. Peng Suping serves as the Director of the Nomination Committee.

The Nomination Committee is responsible to the Board of Directors of the Company, and the Human Resources Department of the Company is the working body of the Nomination Committee.

According to domestic and foreign listing supervisory regulations, the main duties of the Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors are:

1.To examine the structure, members and composition of the Board of Directors (including professional skills, knowledge and experience) at least once a year according to the status-quo of the Company's operation, asset size and equity structure, and make suggestions on any changes to the Board of Directors in line with the Company's strategy;

2.To study the criteria, procedures and methods of selection of directors and senior managers and make suggestions to the Board of Directors;

3. To select appropriate persons qualified to serve as the directors and the senior management of the Company, and choose and nominate related persons to serve as the directors and the senior management of the Company and make suggestions thereon to the Board of Directors;

4. To examine the qualifications of candidates for directors and senior management, and put forward opinions and suggestions on the appointment to the Board of Directors;

5. To make suggestions to the Board of Directors on the appointment or re-appointment of the Directors and the senior management and succession plans for the Directors and the senior management (especially the chairman and general manager);

6. Evaluate the independence of the Independent Directors;

7.To report to the Board of Directors on decisions or suggestions made by the Committee, except where such reporting cannot be conducted due to legal or regulatory constraints;

8. Other duties assigned by the Board of Directors of the Company; to answer questions at the Annual General Meeting by the director of the Committee, or a committee member or his or her authorized representative in the absence of the director at the invitation of the Chairman;

9. Other relevant requirements on the duties of the Nomination Committee as per the listing rules amended occasionally of the place where the Company's securities are listed.